Friday, September 26, 2008
Fall is finally here!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Girls Night Finished!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Girls Night Out Challenge Lottery

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Be my bra and give support for breast cancer
If you have a breast concern, please don't put off having it checked by your doctor. Hugs to you all, Mary Lynn
Make It Mondays Challenge

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Dress Form for Breast Cancer

Friday, September 12, 2008
Next Step, adding some style
More Dressing
In the second photo, I am working with my chosen napkin pattern. These are the small napkins, and I wish I had the large napkins because the napkin does not go to the bottom of the form, but I think t will be ok.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Slip for Dress
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Altered Friends
Make It Mondays Challenge
Here is my entry for Lisa Vollrath's Make It Mondays challenge. I know I am a day late, but I have been so busy, so I am just happy I have something to display! This weeks theme is Chocolate. If you want to play then visit Make It Mondays and read how. I really like this piece. I'm not sure if it is the colors, or that it is about chocolate! I found inspiration for this from the book "Embellished Emotions for Scrapbookers". I don't scrapbook, but if you like clean, orderly layouts using poems, quotes or sayings then this is the book for you. The author is Trudy Sigurdson, published by Making Memories. There must be a hundred ideas or more in this book. You might want to look for a used copy because I don't know if is still in publication.
I will be posting more photos later today of my dress for the wire form. It is time to get it in the mail!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Auditions for my dress form

New Art Project

Hello Family, Friends and Fellow Bloggers

In the process of grieving, sometimes you may feel that life isn't worth living any longer, or that your life doesn't matter. I have gone through some of this, but I had a long talk about it will my Sis, and that my life does matter, and the blogging that I do, and the making of my art is important too, but still I just couldn't feel it. I need to be needed by someone, and what I do and the way I feel is not worthless. To "better" myself and feel more worthy to go on living, we have decided that to honor Charles we MUST get back to living, and that there is another someone out there that needs love, encouragement, and someone to care about them. We have found such a person, and her name is Joanna. We are going to reach out to her, and just see if she is interested in forming a friendly relationship with us. So I am hoping that she will, but if it doesn't work out, then we will look again. I know there is someone out there that needs me to care about them, just as I need to care for them. I want to matter to someone, just as Charles did, and so I lovingly say that Charles you are in my thoughts from day to day, but you are forever in my heart, and so I am moving forward.
My first step in getting back to normal after many months of heartache and trips back and forth to San Antonio to see Charles is to get back to blogging, and to making art. Since it is so late, I will sign off for now, and post a new project that I am working on later today that means something to me.
One more thing: I have had some many beautiful comments and emails from several of you. I know many of you sent cards, gifts, and money to Charles. I will always hold you and your generosity in my heart as well. I am blessed that you read my blog and "met" my brother, and as I told one person by email today, please don't ever think that when you leave a comment, send an email, or offer your condolences that it really doesn't matter because I am here to say to you that yes what you said and what you did made a huge difference in my life and in Charles' life. Your words to me helped more that you will ever know....until you are in my position of having lost someone that you love so very much, and I pray that there will be family, friends, and blog buddies there for you.
With warmest regards to each of you who read this, and God bless.
Mary Lynn