Hello Friends and Family. I hope wherever you are that you are staying cool. I’m sure trying to, but this Texas weather is not wanting to cooperate.
If you have been in altered objects, books, etc., then I know you have heard of the huge Altered Book Group on Yahoo. They are celebrating their 10th birthday! So many of us have come from that group, forming new groups, new projects, new friends. You can clink on the right if you would like to check them our.
The piece of art that I have up today is a 4”X6” heavily collaged page for the group’s birthday. Corinne, who is in that group, is a real doll and she is collecting all of the pages from everyone that wanted to participate. She is doing lazar color copies of all the pages, and sending them back out to all of us fir FREE! I told you she is a doll! She will accept postage to mail you all of the page copies, and when you get them you can bind them and have a wonderful memory piece of this event.
You know I am not shy about showing you my boo-boos, and this next one is a dozy:
Yes, the first time I made this I made it in the wrong direction! So from now on I am double checking the instructions. I know it had to be flat and I did pretty good with that, but the orientation got me.
Well, that’s it for today. I will be adding some Torsos for a swap this weekend, and preparing a book for a Christmas Book RR so I will write more later.